With the emerging advancement in app development, today custom Python development is considered as the most adopted framework. It is a high level and dynamic language which incorporates the main concepts of an object-oriented programming language (OOP). It’s the exceptional syntax which stands out as compared to other programming languages such as C, C++ and Java. Reach out to learn more about the expert web developers in NYC for the various ways to improve or build the quality of projects and across your company.
The user-friendly and simplistic functioning is the prime reason why majorly all developers use to create code and develop applications. The Python CMS development is crafted on a defined structure which aids in building the application on core logic.
To initiate the development with Python, let’s explore into some of the 10 best frameworks to code. Generally, there are two types of frameworks utilized to work on Python:
a) Full Stack
b) Non-Full Stack
The full-stack frameworks offer comprehensive support to the developers which include important elements such as validation, template layouts and form generators. Some of the well-known full-stack frameworks are:
1. Django
Django is a full stack Python web framework which is developed by Django Software Foundation. It is an open source which was officially released in July 2005. It is user-friendly and effective in creating complex code and applications and needs less time as compared to other frameworks. The main principle is DRY (don’t repeat yourself) and a model-view-template architectural pattern.
It is universally used by developers and consists of an enormous collection of libraries written in Python language. Its main features are the reusability of components, URL routing, object-relational mapper (ORM), template engine, database schema migrations and authentication mechanism. Additionally, it offers support for various databases such as Oracle, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL. It is also used by world-renowned organizations such as Mozilla, The Washington Times, Instagram, Bitbucket and Disqus.
Read Also - The Django Framework and Its Applications
2. Web2py
Massimo De Pierro developed Web2py which is a cross-platform web application framework written in Python programming language. It is a free-to-use and an open source platform, released in September 2007. It offers code editor, debugger and deployment tool with which a developer can develop and debug the code along with maintaining the applications.
The main features of Web2py Python framework are a cross-platform framework that offers support for Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac, Google Map engine and various others. There is no additional installation and configuration plus the built-in components to handle HTTP request, cookies, sessions, HTTP responses and read multiple protocols. It gives added security to data against threats as in cross-site scripting, execution of infected files and injection flaws. It aids developers to embed jQuery for Ajax and UI effects.
3. Turbo Gears
Turbo Gears is developed by Kevin Dangoor and Mark Ramm. It is a full-stack web application framework which is open source, free-to-use and data-driven. Its main features include support for multiple databases, follows an MVC pattern, various libraries, support for web server such as Pylons and WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) components.
4. CubicWeb
CubicWeb is developed by Logilab which is also an open-source and free-to-use framework. Its framework is based on the data model which helps to get a functional application. It uses cubes which help to create configuration files, databases and the web servers. Its main features include security workflows, multiple databases, reusable components, and support for Web Ontology Language (OWL), Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Relational Query Language (RQL) to simplify data queries.
5. Giotto
Giotto is a framework based on the model, view and controllers (MCV) concept. It differentiates Model, View and Controller elements to ensure the web designers, system administrators and web developers can perform their functions effectively and separately.
6. Pylon
Pylon is a lightweight Python web framework that was developed in December 2010. It has taken the best insights from languages as in Python, Ruby and Perl. It offers a highly flexible structure for web development.
Non-full-stack frameworks do not offer any extra features or functionalities to the users. Anything additional needs to be added manually by the developers. Some of the known framework used by Python are:
7. Bottle
A microframework built by Marcel Hellkemp. It is primarily used to build small scale web applications. It creates a single source file for every project or application and completely depends on the Python Standard Library.
Some of the prime features are built-in HTTP server, allows users to access form data, file uploads, HTTP metadata and cookies, offers adapters for third-party template engines and WSGI/HTTP servers and finally supports plugins of various databases and requests dispatching routes having URL-parameter support.
8. CherryPy
CheeryPy is founded by Remi Delon which is an open source object-oriented Python framework. It supports operating systems such as Windows, MacOS and Linux/Unix.
Its main features support profiling, testing and coverage by default, built-in plugin system, allows to run many HTTP servers concurrently, contains tools for events such as encoding, caching and authorization by default, contains an HTTO/1.2 compliant and WSGI threaded-pooled web server.
9. Flask
Flask is a spectacular Python web application framework developed by Armin Ronacher. Some of its common features are built-in development server and debugger, support for unit testing, incorporates RESTful request dispatching, compatible with Google App Engine and establishes secure client-side sessions.
10. Sanic
Sanic is an open-source framework and is primarily designed for quick HTTP responses along with asynchronous request handlers. It is similar to Flask but faster in performance functionality. There was a remarkable record made during a test performed using the Sanic framework and it processed 33,242 requests in a second.